We invite you to join us in researching rain. Gather your outdoor gear—rain pants, boots and raincoat and come along with us.
Below we suggest tools, or you might know some, that will aid in your investigations!
What happens when we invite the rain to paint and draw with us?
Tools to gather:
Water colors or food coloring
Water soluble markers
Water soluble crayons/pastels
Tray or plate
Work with any or all the marking tools above. You can create 3 separate pages with 3 different mediums or blend them all together. Make your marks. Place them on the trays. Bring outside and let the rain work it’s magic!
What happens over time?
What kind of marks does rain leave?

What is a rain shadow?
Artist Andy Goldworthy uses nature to inspire his work. His work is often ephemeral, that means temporary. Watch this video to see how he creates rain shadows.
You might also use objects to create your art instead of your body!


What does chalk do in the rain?
Where there is rain there are puddles!
What can you do with a puddle?

A puddle is an invitation, an invitation to do so many things.
You can be big! Jump, run, splash or walk.
You can be small. Quietly sit at the edge and look. Then experiment with pebbles and watch the water move.
