I've been noticing lots of different smells in my home recently. I love to walk outside, first thing in the morning and take a deep breath. The morning air smells so good! On warmer days, I open up my windows to let the fresh air in. I especially like to do this after the grass is cut - mmm, it smells so nice and fresh!
I also like the scent of my cup of coffee in the morning.
One time, I went on a smell hunt.
I found many different smells, outside and inside and made a list of the smells I liked and the smells I did not like.
There are lots of smells that I like. Here are some of my favorites...
Freshly cut grass
There are also some smells that I do not like.
Some of my least favorite smells are:
Broccoli (but I LOVE the way it tastes!)
Mark is going to read us a story about a dog that he knows. Did you know that dogs can smell things that we can't? Dogs are able to smell between 10,000 to 100,000 times better than people! That is amazing!
Try going on a smell hunt at your house!
What are your favorite smells? What things do not smell good to you? Draw or take a picture and tell us about what you have discovered!