Is our boat finished?
For months we have been busy working on our cardboard boat! Each day during our gathering we invited children to sign up for a small group to add new parts to our boat or revise their
For months we have been busy working on our cardboard boat! Each day during our gathering we invited children to sign up for a small group to add new parts to our boat or revise their
When we last left off on the building and city thread, the children had just visited Saul Melman’s Best of All Possible Worlds sculpture (other wise known as The Doors) and each of them had done
The excitement is building. Preparations have been ongoing all week for our annual Family Day on Saturday. We have been collecting natural materials from the sculpture park and learning how to connect them together. Working with
On Wednesday and Thursday, children from Studio Red went outside in pairs to join a small group. Alongside children from Blue, Yellow and Purple, we helped dye cotton fabric using natural materials: water, vinegar, turmeric, beets,
It started when Chris tried orienting blocks for his skates in a new way – and a very tricky way! He oriented the blocks on their edges – quite a challenge. This inspired Josie to do some
We dyed with Kim today, in preparation for Family Day (Saturday 10-12)! (Some of us served up tea and played on the train afterwards!)
Jamie built a frame for a house, and put some cars inside. Like this. Then he started to make a roof. The blocks along the sides fit, but… …when he tried putting blocks across the middle
For the past two weeks we have been watching the happenings in our birch tree. A family of robins has taken up residence and have caught our attention. First, we observed long strands of grass being
Ursula begins her morning, playing with rabbit finger puppets. I am going to make spaghetti! You get all the carrots in the neighborhood and you bake them. These are how many carrots I buy each day.
Susannah spent her last day with us today. We had all gotten very fond of her, and wished her well. Diane read the children’s words and gave Susannah some artwork and photos, and Susannah had some
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075 | 51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
(781) 259-8866