“It looks like the sculpture now.” – Parker
Gak – A sticky or messy substance Studio Yellow has been exploring the properties of gak – a type of homemade silly putty. The children were initially given the material to explore with just their hands.
After reading the bookHELP! A Story of Friendship (by Holly Keller)a couple of times, we acted it out! On Thursday we acted it out again: Kyla was Hedgehog, Will was Mouse, Ruthie was Squirrel, Sam was Rabbit,
“I’m mixing them in the middle”
Continuing our exploring of watercolors, we noticed the children’s observations of how squeezing drops of Blue and Yellow into their jars of water created different “shades of Green.” How does this happen? “Because you stir it!”
Walking through the Woods
Finding time each week to explore our woods is important to us as educators and we have observed, is important to the children in Studio Purple. Each visit to our trails brings with it a sense
“I have to go now and then I’ll come back.”
An interesting play scheme has developed. Often throughout the morning, Kyla, Amelia, Caroline and others attend to their babies and then suddenly realize that they need to go out. Just like real mommies and daddies, sometimes
“First you draw the outline.” Ryan
A book can help you draw. -Charlie A marker can draw. – Arya Many of the children in Studio Red have been drawing animals. Through their personal interests, they build relationships with each other, the
“It’s not heavy for us…”
“It’s not heavy for us, it’s heavy for the stick!” “No, that won’t work. It’s too weak.” BIRDIE “Too long.” BEATRICE “Birdie, it feels like it’s getting heavy. Oh, it’s stuck! That’s why.” CHARLOTTE “Chester,
Welcome to the Caps For Sale Play . . .
An invitation to act out a familiar story for each other evolved into a performance — one that required an audience! “We can invite Nancy and Lisa!” Lyla Over several mornings and afternoons, the children