Schedule Visit

NOW ENROLLING for the 2025-2026 school year! 

Questions? Email:


General Steps for Enrollment 

1. Schedule a tour with your child

2. Complete a New Student Application form

Note: Lincoln Nursery School uses a rolling admissions process

New Student and Sibling Application

The New Student Application form and application fee must be submitted to initiate the enrollment process. All families new to LNS are required to come to the Open House or schedule a tour. 

All children enrolled in the school, and siblings of current and returning families, are given priority for placement.

The new student application and fee should be submitted in November for siblings.

Families with a current student enrolling a sibling, alumni families who are applying with additional children, and brand new applicants, are required to pay.

Current Families with RETURNING students.

NOTE: No fee for students currently enrolled and returning for another year.

The LNS Family Handbook

CLICK HERE to download the LNS Family Handbook. By reading the Family Handbook, you will find out what it means to be a part of the LNS community. It contains our philosophy, policies, enrollment tuition and fees, daily life of the school, communication, as well as details regarding the LNS organization, including its board and committee descriptions.

Lincoln Nursery School does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or marital status. Financial aid is available.


Tuition rates for the 2024-25 school year.*

(Classrooms are called “Studios” at LNS; See Studios & Schedules for more information.)

Studio Blue

M, Tu, Th 8:30am-12:30pm; W 8:30-12


Studio Yellow

M, Tu, Th 8:30am-12:30pm; W 8:30-12


Studio Purple

M, Tu, Th, F 8:30am-12:30pm; W 8:30-12


Studio Red

M, T, Th 8:30-3; W 8:30am-12pm; F 8:30am-12:30pm


* Note: All Studios have a 12pm dismissal on Wednesdays.


Extended Day Program

Extended Day annual rates for the 2024-25 school year.
(See Studios & Schedules for more information.)

Mondays 12:30-4pm

Tuesday 12:30-4pm

Wednesdays 12-4pm**

Thursdays 12:30-4pm

Fridays 12:30-4pm





** No afternoon programming on the first Wednesday of each month due to faculty meeting.


Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is provided through our annual budget. The goal is to make LNS accessible to families by providing assistance when financial resources are limited. We are not able to offer a full scholarship to any student.

Assistance is awarded based on tax returns and financial needs as determined by the treasurer, president, and the enrollment chairperson. Any request for assistance-and its awarding-will be held in the strictest confidence.