Nov. 22, 2019
Draw the Circle Wide Look Out the Window Mrs. O’Leary We All Need More Kindness In This World Sometimes I Feel Like Growling If I Knew You Were Coming We did a preliteracy music reading exercise
Draw the Circle Wide Look Out the Window Mrs. O’Leary We All Need More Kindness In This World Sometimes I Feel Like Growling If I Knew You Were Coming We did a preliteracy music reading exercise
Draw the Circle Wide Look Out the Window Sometimes I Feel Like Growling Quiet Poem (sign language) Mrs. O’Leary I brought out the jingle bells, and we sang Jingle Bells, Shake the Bells, and a new
Draw the Circle Wide Sometimes I Feel Like Growling Quiet Poem (sign language) Yoga: Eve (statue), star/mountain, house/moon, waterfall/elephant Touch the Ground Mrs. O’Leary I brought out the jingle bells, and we sang Jingle Bells, On
Draw the Circle Wide Touch the Ground We paired up and sang Row Row Row, the traditional song, the “putt putt” version, then the “lake” version (see link). Then we stayed in our pairs and the
Draw the Circle Wide On Top of Spaghetti Yoga – breathing, in on star and out on mountain; in on house and out on moon; in on waterfall, out on elephant (as “trunk” goes down to ground) Touch
Draw the Circle Wide I Wish I Were – all verses Windy Day – I wrote this poem (with movement) yesterday as a way to help the children process the effects of the big storm; when I introduced
Draw the Circle Wide I Clap My Hands 3 Little Hot Dogs You Gotta Sing When the Spirit Says Sing Ants Go Marching We worked on a poem in sign language: Quiet voice, quiet shoes, Quiet
Draw the Circle Wide We tried a movement exercise where I would start by tapping two parts of the body, say back and belly, and then the next person would switch one, such as keeping the
Draw the Circle Wide Ants Go Marching – (my own version with different words and movements) Pirate Song Frog Named Tiny Tim Yoga: star mountain; house moon; waterfall elephant. These go in pairs in a breathing pattern: we breathe
Draw the Circle Wide Hickory Dickory Dock Yoga: star mountain; house moon; elephant, waterfall. These go in pairs in a breathing pattern: we breathe in for star then out for mountain, and after doing that a few
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075 | 51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
(781) 259-8866