Week of Sept 23
Paw Paw Patch: Studio Blue 10 Little Fingers We used the rope and sang: Row Row Row (“crocodile” and “putt putt” verses) and Shake It All Over Town Popcorn Chant Baa Baa Black Sheep Baby Fish I passed
Paw Paw Patch: Studio Blue 10 Little Fingers We used the rope and sang: Row Row Row (“crocodile” and “putt putt” verses) and Shake It All Over Town Popcorn Chant Baa Baa Black Sheep Baby Fish I passed
We’re Gathering Together Popcorn Chant I Wish I Were – the soap, mud, and onion verses Frog Named Tiny Tim Bubble Gum In a Dish Yoga – butterfly and turtle; then: candle snake dog then back to snake,
Willoughby Wallaby Woo There Was a Little Turtle I Wish I Were – we sang the “bar of soap,” “hunk of mud,” and “onion” verses. Under One Sky Form the Corn Ants Go Marching – this is my
Draw the Circle Wide Ants Go Marching – (my own version with different words and movements) Pirate Song Frog Named Tiny Tim Yoga: star mountain; house moon; waterfall elephant. These go in pairs in a breathing pattern: we breathe
Paw Paw Patch: Studio Blue When I See You In Studio Blue 10 Little Fingers We used the rope and we held is (and pulled and pushed…!) as we sang: Row Row Row (with the “crocodile” verse).
Paw Paw Patch (no link) Me You We Clap Your Hands Bubble Gum In a Dish I Wish I Were – the soap and mud verses Frog Named Tiny Tim Yoga – butterfly and turtle; then: candle snake
Draw the Circle Wide Hickory Dickory Dock Yoga: star mountain; house moon; elephant, waterfall. These go in pairs in a breathing pattern: we breathe in for star then out for mountain, and after doing that a few
I Wish I Were – we sang the “bar of soap” and “hunk of mud” verses. Who Fed the Chickens? Under One Sky Form the Corn Yoga – star mountain; house moon; elephant waterfall. These go in pairs
Paw Paw Patch: Studio Blue When I See You In Studio Blue Popcorn Chant 10 Little Fingers On Thursday I brought out the rope and we held is (and pulled and pushed…!) as we sang: Row
It was wonderful to see old faces and new this year! Here’s what we did (click on the link to hear song and/or read lyrics, etc.) Paw Paw Patch (no link) Clap Your Hands Wheels On
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075 | 51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
(781) 259-8866