December 6, 2019
On Top of Spaghetti Look Out the Window We paired up and I sang: As I was walking in the sculpture park, as I was walking in the park, I saw two sculptures that were touching
On Top of Spaghetti Look Out the Window We paired up and I sang: As I was walking in the sculpture park, as I was walking in the park, I saw two sculptures that were touching
10 Little Fingers Old Oak Tree Open Shut Them We All Need More Kindness In This World Hickory Dickory Dock We brought out the big long rope and pulled and rowed and tugged on it while
We’re Gathering Together We All Need More Kindness In This World Wishie Washie Washerwoman Bubble Gum In a Dish Yoga – butterfly, turtle, tulip, a polar bear pose where we imitated a photo of a polar bear
You Gotta Sing When the Spirit Says Sing Yoga – as we started, Kyla made up this amazing shark pose, and a bunch of us tried it and made up ones of our own, too. I
Draw the Circle Wide Look Out the Window Mrs. O’Leary We All Need More Kindness In This World Sometimes I Feel Like Growling If I Knew You Were Coming We did a preliteracy music reading exercise
Peace Like a River Paw Paw Patch: Studio Blue Old Oak Tree We All Need More Kindness In This World It’s a Rainy Day When I See You In Studio Blue 3 Little Hot Dogs On
Draw the Circle Wide Look Out the Window Sometimes I Feel Like Growling Quiet Poem (sign language) Mrs. O’Leary I brought out the jingle bells, and we sang Jingle Bells, Shake the Bells, and a new
You Gotta Sing When the Spirit Says Sing It’s a Rainy Day Alligator Pit Pirate Song Elephant In My Shoe Yoga – butterfly, turtle, tulip and the polar bear pose of an upside down polar bear
Peace Like a River Paw Paw Patch: Studio Blue Country Roads There was another impromptu brief playing of Arlo Guthrie’s “Motorcycle Song” (incidentally, I sing “I don’t want a DIME” rather than I don’t want to
You Gotta Sing When the Spirit Says Sing Michael Row the Boat Ashore – we tried the new verses: The river is deep and the river is wide…milk and honey on the other side; and The river
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075 | 51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
(781) 259-8866