Week of Mar 9
Aiken Drum Draw the Circle Wide Bamboo Peace Like a River Open Shut Them If I Had a Hammer Who Fed the Chickens? When I See You In Studio Blue On Top of Spaghetti Take a
Aiken Drum Draw the Circle Wide Bamboo Peace Like a River Open Shut Them If I Had a Hammer Who Fed the Chickens? When I See You In Studio Blue On Top of Spaghetti Take a
We’re Gathering Together A B Squeeze Aiken Drum Magic Penny Yoga Pretzel Cards – cat, dog, plank, snake, river, mountain, warrior 1 & 2, elephant We experimented with the rhythm sticks some more, and played them along
You Gotta Sing When the Spirit Says Sing My Favorite Flower What Makes the Fire I Shampoo My Hair – we started mixing them up today: I stir the soup while I’m in a rocking chair; I
Draw the Circle Wide May There Always Be Sunshine We did tapping and clapping patterns around the circle, so that any child who wanted would show us a pattern (e.g. head shoulders knees toes) and we
My Favorite Things On Top of Spaghetti Popcorn Chant When I See You In Studio Blue Aiken Drum If I Had a Hammer Country Roads Bamboo
We’re Gathering Together Aikendrum Yoga Pretzel Cards – we did poses from these “Yoga Pretzel Cards” that Barefoot Books sells (river, mountain, warrior 1 & 2 As we did last week, we posed as Eve (the sculpture)
You Gotta Sing When the Spirit Says Sing May There Always Be Sunshine – we did signs (and sang) babies, grandmas and grandpas, too. Yoga Pretzel Cards – we did poses from these “Yoga Pretzel Cards” that Barefoot
Draw the Circle Wide May There Always Be Sunshine – we also did “may there always be babies” when Charlie N asked about it (the sign is cradling your arms like you’re holding a baby) We did
Baby Fish Inch By Inch A Cat Had a Birthday Augie said he wanted to sing Come Sail Away, and I said I didn’t know it, could he sing it, and he did! “Come sail away,
We’re Gathering Together Magic Penny Puddles Ants Go Marching – we did various motions along the way for an added challenge! 3 Green & Speckled Frogs Mackenna sang “I had a little frog whose name was Tiny
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075 | 51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
(781) 259-8866