Touch the Ground

This is a chant (no melody) done standing up, with a series of moves that accumulate, starting from the beginning and working way forward each time. So first we touch the ground, then we touch and turn around, then touch, turn and hula hoop, and so forth.

Touch the ground     bend over and touch the floor
Turn around               turn around!
Shoe your shoe         extend foot
Hula hoop                  hands on hips, swivel hips
Clap clap clap           clap 3x
Big hat                        hands overhead, place on imaginary hat
Muscles work           fists pump overhead
Fireworks                   fireworks cheer

I’ve also created a second version, but don’t spill the beans if your child hasn’t done it yet!
Scissor hands         cross arms back and forth in front
Giant fan                  windmill motion with arms
Alligator                  arms open/shut in front
Mashed potater    stomp on ground
Beating heart        tap chest  3x
Feet apart               jump feet apart
Blow a kiss             blow a kiss!
Snake hiss              down on the for for yoga cobra pose, stick out tongue

Here’s another:
Elephant                         scoop motion w/arms
Pirate Ship                     shield eyes w/hand
Forward,                        touch toes                    Back.     lean back
Choo Choo                   pull train whistle
Wheels on the Bus    motion from song
Clap clap clap
Foot front                      one foot placed in front
Ski jump                        jump up and switch feet
Pancake stack             reach hands in front, face down, and stack one on top of the other
Beach ball                   make a circle with your hands in front of you
Candle tall                  step back so feet are together and put hands together over head
Bubble wrap, snap!    clap hands over head