I told a joke in Idaho
They liked by joke and really let me know,
‘Cause in Idaho, they go Ho Ho Ho
And roll on the floor (each time we sing this line we roll back on the floor and then sit back up)
So then I went to Tennessee
I told my joke. They greeted it with glee
But in Tennessee they go Hee Hee Hee
And in Idaho, they go Ho Ho Ho
And roll on the floor
Well next I went to Arkansas
I told my joke and got a big guffaw
In Arkansas they go Haw Haw Haw
In Tennessee…In Idaho…
I tried my luck in old Kentuck
They heard my joke and they were thunderstruck
But in old Kentuck they go Yuck Yuck Yuck
In Arkansas …In Tennessee…In Idaho…
My joke went big in Washington
Where Ho Ho Ho’s are hardly ever done
In Washington they go Oh What Fun
In old Kentuck…In Arkansas …In Tennessee…In Idaho…
I came back home to Delaware
I told my joke and all they did was stare
(it was very upsetting)
Cause in Washington…In old Kentuck…In Arkansas …In Tennessee…In Idaho…