Three short-necked buzzards, hands crossed over chest, shoulders up, eyes closed
Three short-necked buzzards,
Sleeping in a dead tree, on one leg, one arm stretched fwd, one arm back
Sleeping in a dead tree.
Shhhh! finger to lips
I tiptoed up so qui-et-ly . . . tiptoe in place
Then I stomped my feet: stomp! stomp! stomp!
And I waved my arms: wave! wave! wave!
And one bird squawked surprised squawk! (and jump/flap)
and flew away flap arms
Get out your binoculars binocular hands to eyes
How many buzzards are left?
At the end of the chant, when there are no more buzzards left, we repeat until we’ve stomped and waved, and then the tree squawks and flies away.