We tried a movement exercise where I would start by tapping two parts of the body, say back and belly, and then the next person would switch one, such as keeping the belly tap and have the other hand tap the head, and on around the circle.
Yoga: star mountain; house moon; waterfall elephant. These go in pairs in a breathing pattern: we breathe in for star then out for mountain, and after doing that a few times, we breathe in for house and out for moon, then breathe in for waterfall (arms up) and out for elephant (lowering it’s trunk).
Mouse Story, cont’d. In this listening and “name that tune” exercise, we identify whether scales are going up or down, and chords representing “sad” (minor) and “happy” (major).
We started learning sign language for Quiet, Voice, Spider, and Shoes and Toadstool/Mushroom.