We did tapping and clapping patterns around the circle, so that any child who wanted would show us a pattern (e.g. head shoulders knees toes) and we would all follow/imitate it.
Boom Chicka Boom– today we changed the first letter (e.g., start with a T) each time we did a new verse so that we were chanting “I say TOOM TICKA TOOM,” and so forth. We also did this with G and L.
Yoga Pretzel Cards– we again did poses from these “Yoga Pretzel Cards” that Barefoot Books sells (mountain, warrior 1 & 2, river, and we also did the sculpture Eve, but this time I had them move, transferring the apple/ball/pomegranite from one hand into the other and changing their legs, putting the apple on their head, take it off and take a bite. After taking a bite, we planted a seed from the apple, and sangInch By Inch.