January 24, 2020

You Gotta Sing When the Spirit Says Sing


Movie Star

Yoga – Eve, star/mountain, house/moon, waterfall/elephant, and Tai Chi Guy (see photo below)

I Can’t Imagine Life Without Popcorn – the OOO and WOW cheers, and we couldn’t imagine life without popcorn, hearts, owls and bellybuttons!

A Cat Had a Birthday

We did the “switch sides if you…” game, standing in two lines facing each other, then said (for example): “Anyone who has a been on a boat, switch sides” and anyone who had, would cross over to the other side from where they were.

We Got a Good Thing Going (no link)

Open Shut Them

We did a greeting game where we all had our hands face down, and one person said “good morning”, flipping the left hand over with “good” and the right hand over with “morning” and then the person on their right did the same, around the circle. This is quite difficult, but I’m always interested in finding out what children are capable of.

Up Goes the Castle

Time To Move On