Week of Dec 9

Peace Like a River

3 Little Hot Dogs

We All Need More Kindness In This World

Hickory Dickory Dock

Country Roads

On Top of Spaghetti

Look Out the Window

10 Little Fingers

Open Shut Them

We Got a Good Thing Going – this is a stand up and move song: Hey we got a good thing going…, Clap your hands, we got a good thing going,… Stomp your feet, we got a good thing going…, etc. Joe was doing this great side-to-side action with his hips, so that became part of the song: Side to side, we got a good thing going. Very fun.

Popcorn Chant

My Favorite Things – I just sang the first couple verses of this and showed them the pictures in my book, so that they would have some familiarity because it will probably be part of the singalong for next Thursday’s Winter Sing. Again, no need to feel the need to practice this with your child, just have fun with it if your child enjoys it.


So you have a heads up, here’s what we will be singing for the Winter Sing (there are a couple that the children haven’t heard yet):

Look Out the Window

On Top of Spaghetti

Peace Like a River

We Got a Good Thing Going

We All Need More Kindness In This World

My Favorite Things

I Wish I Were

Draw the Circle Wide

Time To Move On