Tag: residence

This way guys….
After lunch on Friday we decided to head to the museum to check out the new Lab and, as it was a sunny day, the
“It looks like a show in there.”
The children are always excited to have Emily visit, and on Wednesday, she accompanied us to the sculpture park, beginning with Two Big Black Hearts, by
Sculpture Park Connections
Here are holes we can go through with our bodies. How will we experience this as a group? We are looking for how children communicate
“It looks like the sculpture now.” – Parker
Gak – A sticky or messy substance Studio Yellow has been exploring the properties of gak – a type of homemade silly putty. The children

The Ice Cream Cone [aka 0121-1110=113035 (Lotus)]
In contrast to our open ended visit to Aaron Curry’s sculptures last week, today Sarah invited us to another sculpture with a specific intention in

Children as Residents
“How do children-in-residence encounter deCordova? This Umbrella Topic is one that we at LNS, alongside our partners at deCordova Learning and Engagement have begun to
Why is that house broken?
Why is that house broken? Does somebody live in that house? – Tait You cannot go near this building because it is old too. – Jonah

Visit to deCordova’s Maintenance Shed
Pursuing the children’s interest in deCordova’s landscape equipment, we contacted Brad and Doug. They invited us to their maintenance shed to view what they have

Small Groups to Humming
We’ve been playing a face game at meeting. Diane holds up a picture of a child’s face and when we name the child, that child