Weston’s Discovery

During meeting today Wes was excited to share his early morning discovery. 

What did you want to show us?

A caterpillar. I told Daddy a car would squish him – Wes

Why did Daddy poke holes on the top?

Maybe because he has a little tongue. – Alex
Maybe so he can look out them, like windows. – Parker
So he can cover it. – Avery
Maybe ’cause they’re little windows. – Charlotte


The caterpillar was brought to our nature area for the children to observe and document.

I see it moving. – Julia  She begins to draw what she is observing, talking to herself.  Does it have this color?  Yup it does!  Now it needs green.  Now this – a little bit of silver.



The pot looks bigger. Look how big it looks. – Parker He checks out the caterpillar with a magnifying glass and starts to draw.  It’s a line.  Now some lines on top.

I see some brown. – Charlotte
Here are the spikes – Violet
Eww – There’s something in it. – Avery 

As she observes the caterpillar moving in the jar she mimics its movement by shrugging her shoulders in a similar way. I think he is a mommy caterpillar.

I see a mouth. – Addie
It’s yucky. – Avery
Its mouth is yucky? I think it needs green for its mouth. – Addie
I need yellow, then brown. – Alex