The excitement around the Studio Yellow bakery has been palpable this week. The children have taken on many roles. Treats have been baked from play dough, money has been created for the cash register, displays in the bakery have been formed and the register has been ringing constantly.
Alongside this dramatic play we introduced stories around the topic of baking. The reading of Eric Carle’s – Walter the Baker inspired the idea to bake our own pretzels. It naturally followed that we could stock our bakery shelves and invite our families to come and share in the excitement.
Our bakery shop was further enhanced by today’s parent helper, chef in residence, Julia’s dad Andy. He worked with children mixing, kneading, rolling and twisting dough into an assortment of pretzel shapes. While the mouth-watering aroma wafting throughout the studio was quite tempting, the prospect of truly ‘opening for business’ bestowed an amazing sense of willpower on us all!
Finally the hour was near and the only thing left to do was choose our jobs. We needed greeters to welcome those guests into our bakery, money distributers, servers and cashiers. Children divided themselves into groups and selected which jobs they wished to hold. It wasn’t long before our first customer arrived!