Recently, it seems every time we turn around, Studio Yellow children are organizing a party. These parties are prevalent on the playground where many sand/wood cakes are baked but they also appear in the studio. In the studio there is often chatter about decorations that need to be made and games that should be played. In conjunction we are also hearing the term ‘not fair’ come up a lot in conversation. Three and four year olds are beginning to understand the concept of fairness and are quick to express their discontent when they feel it is lacking. We are also beginning to explore ideas for our Gala auction item and have told the children there is going to be a party just for the grown ups. This week we decided to talk about parties with the children. What do they know about them? What do we need for a party?
Wesley – What about a party for the kids? It’s not fair it’s for grown ups.
If you think it is not fair for the kids, what could we do?
Makenna – Make one for grown ups and one for kids.
Josie – So nice.
Teddy – It would be oh so nice.
Ben – Moms and Dads could come and bring the kids.
Stella – We could have a party in the back room for the grown ups and in the studio for the kids.
There was much discussion how the back room would be too squishy for the grown ups.
Wesley – How about in the whole studio?
Nina – Girls could go outside and boys go inside.
Wesley – No, boys outside and girls inside.
Stella – Maybe the boys in the back room and the girls in the studio.
Chris – How about kids all in the same place?
I’m feeling like that wouldn’t be fair. I’m a grown-up and I would want to be with boys and girls and grown-ups.
Ben – I get that same feeling. If I am outside I wouldn’t see Mom, Dad and Tessa. I am thinking it will be fair if everyone is inside. Also if you are outside you might get cold.
Elliot – Boys inside and girls outside.
Linden – They should both go inside.
What could we have a party for? When we celebrate a birthday it is focussed on one child, what other kinds of party are there?
Makenna – Trampoline parties.
Chris – How about we have a building block party?
Makenna – This could be a winter party because it’s in winter.
Preparations were quickly underway. What began simply as creating decorations expanded as children collaborated over their work.
Wesley – I can make some books. Stella – And we need music. Ellie – I’m making a sign, ‘Nobody Josie – I’m making a book We’re gonna do clapping and Lily – Whatever music you like. comes in here til the party’s over. about a farm. I’m even gonna singing. Makenna – We are the rock stars write who this is by. Makenna – and dancing. so we can rock around the clock. Nina – This sign says kids have to be with a grown up to cross the street.
At the nature table, children studied a large paper wasp nest. Looking closely they noticed a multitude of colors blended into the outside of the nest.We learned from Emily Silet that these wasps eat wood fibers that are then secreted to form their nest. Given the abundance of yellow strands, we wondered if perhaps they were chewing on Studio Yellow!
Our block building area often becomes a location for police and fire stations to be built. However, in the last couple of weeks the building has changed to constructing elaborate gas stations.
Jamie – The pipes took a very long time. Gas is going through the pipes. It is a gas station for cars and trucks. We are pretending the pipes are underground and the gas comes up into the cars. These (cylinders) power the gas. It makes the gas go so fast.
William – That gas station took a really long time.
Celebrating Teddy!