Gak – A sticky or messy substance
Studio Yellow has been exploring the properties of gak – a type of homemade silly putty.
The children were initially given the material to explore with just their hands. They discovered it stretched, broke into small pieces and could be molded in many ways. As they manipulated the gak, it was quickly transformed into a variety of foods.
Alex “I’m making pizza. Now I’m going to make the toppings. Mushrooms!”
Charlotte “I made mozzarella cheese.”
Avery “Mozzarella!”
We added scissors and colored markers and as a provocation, placed a photograph of the Aaron Curry sculptures we pass by each time we drive into deCordova. Would the play change?
Parker “It looks like a sculpture now. It’s orange and blue. It now looks like the line one.”
Julia (stretching the gak like to tall sculpture) “I’m cutting all of this. Now I get tiny pieces. Look at this!”
Tait “I’m cutting it.”
Violet “It’s still not longer than me.”
Alex “Mine looks like a carrot.”