Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. – Michael Jordan
Following the excitement of the introduction of the Snail Racing Game more simple board and card games have been introduced into the studio. Games of this sort help to teach children a myriad of skills. Playing games helps practice important social skills which follow through to general open ended play. Nearly all games involve some sort of taking turns, sharing a die or spinner, practicing patience and learning how be to a good sport. Introducing games at this age also helps children hone and build upon the more ‘academic’ skills they are learning within the studio. Many of the games we have been playing incorporate either color or shape matching, counting, patterning and memorization. These games have been so popular with the children that we had whole group time when five different games were available to play. Children were randomly assigned to different areas and the play began.
Three, three, three
I think I’m gonna win. I think I’m gonna win. You never know.