A lime green discovery was made on one of the coldest mornings of the school year. A caterpillar lay all alone on the wood chips – unmoving.
Thomas – I think he died.
Kaya – I think he’s frozen.
Ursula – I think he is tired.
Eva – I think he’s sleepy.
Kyla – He’s going to turn into a butterfly.
Were the children correct? Was he dead, tired, frozen or sleepy? We decided to take him into the studio to see if he would stir once he was in the warmth. Other children gathered around to comment on our new friend.
Tessa – He’s like a kiwi.
Sam – Like a porcupine.
Will – That caterpillar is straight. (He looks at our photograph of Luna moth from the Woodland Walk). But that thing in between the wings is also straight. Maybe this is Luna.