This week we discovered that the gak formed from liquid starch and glue has a relatively short shelf life – by Monday morning it no longer was able to hold its shape. However the interest to play with the material was still there. We decided to explore other methods of creating gak – this time from potatoes! With help from a You Tube tutorial we followed various steps to create potato starch.

Amazingly 5lbs of potatoes only made a very small amount of starch. To supplement this potato starch we added corn starch to the mix.
Addie “It’s getting flat.”
Alex (working with her hands) “It’s goopy.”
Charlotte “It’s so soft.”
Violet “It’s gooey and sticky.”
Alex “Mine feels watery.” (We add more starch) “Now it is not so watery.”
Addie “I’m just stirring it around.”
Violet “Some of it’s powder and some of it is water.”
Alex “It’s dripping down. It’s huge!”
Case “It feels gooey.”
So we didn’t waste the potatoes we had shredded we added a final step to this experiment and cooked them up in a waffle iron so we could eat them for snack!