Woodland Walk
by Studio Yellow

Luna came. A moth.
She’s our friend. She comes one day. When it’s sunny.
We listen for crickets.
And see glitter.
I saw glitter.
I saw glitter too.
She was in her caterpillar.
She wants us to go on a nature walk with pumpkins.
Follow the pumpkins.
Her friends are there.
We went up stairs.
We met Luna’s friends.
Red parrot
Red parrot? No, Red Hawk
Two squirrels
Three butterflies
One butterfly at The Hearts
They’re actual people.
Luna’s friends brought us gifts.
Acorns from squirrels.
Because squirrels love acorns.
We think we saw a mum, Cara Mum. She gave us acorns.
My dad was there. He was our parent helper.
Fish, shells
Brown and red ones
Wonderful feathers
My mum and Nico thought it was glitter. I told them it was milkweed.