Violet – I don’t know how to make an R.
Avery – Oh I do. I have one in my name.
Alex – Can you help me make a D?
Violet – I can.
Alex – No, I don’t want you do write it.
Violet – You just make a line down and then a curve.
Violet – Alex, are you making an L or an I?
Alex – I
Violet – Then make a dot on the top.
Alex – No, a dot on the top is a lowercase i and I want an uppercase I.
Violet – Well then how would you know if it’s an L or an I?
Alex – I know because it doesn’t have a line to the M.
Violet – An L you can also do straight down too, ‘cause I know ‘cause Stella has
two Ls in her name.
Sue – So how can you tell it’s an L and not an I in Stella’s name?
Violet – I don’t know. What would happen if Larry started with an I? They would call him the wrong name?!