After three weeks in Studio Yellow our caterpillar has spun a nice warm cocoon. However we have a problem. When he emerges his wingspan will be as big as 15cm and he has spun his cocoon in a small jam jar. We decide to take the net lid off this jar and place it in a larger tank to give the moth the space to hatch. We ask the children where the tank should be placed outside for the winter, explaining it needs to be under cover protected somewhat from rain and snow.
Will: Under a tree
Kyla: Under a leaf and plants.
Many leaves have now fallen off the trees so they are not giving so much protection now. Do you have any other ideas?
Sam: Maybe under our shed that’s connected to our studio.
Kyla: Maybe under one of the benches in the train.
We need to make sure it will be safe. Do you think it will be kicked in the train?
Will: (After studying the tank) I don’t think there will be room in the train.
Alex: Maybe in the car.
Kyla: Maybe we can put it in the plants where it is safe. Where we do our races. We won’t go in there ’cause the moth is there. Or maybe somewhere high where no one can step and no one can get up and we can leave it there.
Kaya: I can climb so far up.
We go on search of a location in the playground and discover the covered patio area behind Studio Red. A perfect location for a winter vacation for our cocoon. Amelia spots a place in between the studio wall and the frame of the sandbox. It is an exact fit for the tank.