What can we do with all this Beautiful Stuff?

As the myriad of objects flowed into our LOOSE PARTS collection, we watched to observe how children interacted with the items.  They were offered no additional tools,  just the items themselves and their imaginations.

What can we do with all this beautiful stuff?
Alex – Build
Jonah – I think we should glue them.
Julia – Play with them.
Parker – Draw with them.
Case – Let’s play with them.

Initially, the intrigue was around the actual items.  We heard many “What is this?” and “What does this do?” but gradually this questioning lessened and the creations began.

This is people sleeping in a castle.
This is my leash. (Jesse)
I'm painting. This (cork) is my paint pot.
It's an iPod for my vacation. It tells me the way to the train station. (Jonah)
I made an airplane. This is the wings. (Jesse)
I'm pretending it's a gun. Now it's not a gun it's a cleaner. Now it is a tool.
I'm going to build a grocery box. There is chicken and broccoli. (Elliott)
Avery to Violet. Look - hold the end. Who wants to jump rope? I do - Hold it lower. (Sofia)

As the children interacted more with their treasures the play became longer and more sustained.

Charlotte  – Let’s make a spider’s web.  Let’s make it bigger.
Avery – We need black right?  I love black.
Charlotte – I do too.  This is part of the spider’s home.
(It falls down.)
Charlotte – It’s OK we can build it up again Avery.
Avery is fascinated by placing a cap in the tube then lifting the tube for it to fall out, even though Charlotte is trying to build on top of the tube.
Charlotte – It’s OK Avery you can keep taking the cap out.

We’re excited to witness as this play develops. Seemingly random items are transformed into unique and varied objects. How will the children make this process and their thinking around it more visible? Will their creations and imaginations evolve into more elaborate storytelling?