If you’ve stopped by Studio Yellow recently you may have noticed our loom brimming with items in the warmest of autumnal shades. Our summer findings of seashells, feathers and rocks have been joined by leaves of all shapes, colors and sizes. While we could actually fill an entire loom with this myriad of leaves, we wish to save some space for those yet to be discovered treasures from winter and spring.
Be it on the playground, along the trails in the woods, or in our own backyards,ย there is a seemingly endless supply of these colorful beauties. However,ย the quest to find simply one more perfect leaf never fails to excite.
We embrace this enthusiasm and in doing so are continually searching for new and innovative ways to use these brilliant treasures within the studio.ย
This week children began leaf rubbings, beginning with a single color then experimenting with multiple colors in one piece of work. We also began the process of making sun catchers. Children used their newly acquired color mixing skills to create their desired leaf colors. Once dry we will transform these beautiful blends into leaves of varying shapes and sizes.