Twinkle Twinkle (new version) traditional, adapted by Mark Weltner
Self-regulation, literacy
Twinkle, twinkle, little shark
How I shampoo what you are
Up above the butterfly
Like a turtle in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, alligator
How I hug my mashed potaters.
This song brings newness to the familiar, and makes the new (if they are just learning some of these poses and movements) familiar, which is our constant work in preschool (and life!).
Consider using some of this “body language” in aiding with transitions: “If you can hear my voice, make a shark fin on your head. If you can hear my voice shampoo your hair… give yourself a hug… light your candle (rub hands together and put them in prayer position)… blow out your candle and put your hands by your sides.