Parker is in California and a few weeks ago, he sent us an email. In his message, he shared photos and told us some of what he has been doing. He also asked us a question.

Dear Studio Red Friends,
I went flying on an airplane and saw Boston.

Now I’m at the beach in California, but it’s been a little rainy.

I went to the aquarium and saw fish. My favorite were the sea horses. I saw a shark with really sharp teeth.

What are you doing in Studio Red?
Last week, we invited the children to make messages to Parker.
We can send an email. Callen
We can write words. We can draw. Nico
We let them know that we would scan their work and send them all in an email.

Happy rainbow! Have you seen a rainbow? Charlotte

We made more pieces for our big cardboard boat. This is an engine, but just made out of cardboard. We painted it with only these colors for our boat. And we also made a steering wheel. ELEANOR

Avia went on a trip to Florida for one week. She wasn’t in Studio Red. I’m gonna draw my trip. This is me playing. AVIA

We have cardboard boxes to save our work. Pictures are on the side of the boxes. NICO

Eleanor brought a log that grows mushrooms when you soak it in water. VIOLET

I’m gonna draw a memory of me and Alex playing. This is Alex. We were walking to see something we could do. We were gonna play. AVERY

We are still constructing with cardboard! I built a fish. ELLIOTT

Alex had to solve a problem. I came to school with my pretties [shoes], but they were Josie’s! ALEX

I made an army ship. CALLEN

Me and Charlotte jumped in puddles. RUBY

I remember when me and Parker were running around outside. SOFIA

Me and Violet made the steering wheel. HELEN