Zaarha's creature.
Lyla's creature.
Brooke's creature.
Ryan's creature.
Jane's creature.
Chester's creature.
Chester's creature.
Beatrice's creature.
Charlotte's creature.
Vivian's creature.
Ray's creature.
Maren's creature
Arya's creature.
Sevi's creature.
Charlie's creature.
Graeme's creature.
Birdie's creature.
Over the past few weeks the children have been drawing the final creature they created from the parts left by parents after our Studio Update night. First they drew in pencil and then they traced their work in black pen. Throughout this process they made choices and found solutions, they used drawing as a way to think.

It’s called unicorn dragon. First I’ll draw the body. You don’t need to draw these (toothpicks). BROOKE
It’s much inkier (thicker pen). Should I make the horn? ZAARHA
It looks like a dragon to me. Horses are like unicorns. Unicorns have a head like a horse. SEVI

I’m not going to draw those (toothpicks). It looks more like a dragon to me. SEVI
I was imagining mine rainbow. LYLA
It’s scary looking. I will do the background with mountains. CHARLOTTE
Trace the teeth so it will look even scarier! CHESTER
I’m going to do mine blue and green. BIRDIE

We accidentally colored him in. BEATRICE
It looks like an X, should we add it? You should probably do the right amount of everything. You just have three (teeth). VIVIAN
I’m just trying to fit. LYLA
And then they added color - glorious color!