Dear Studio Red,
This week so many of you acted out a story about dogs. What do you know about dogs?
Love, Lauri and Emily
last week we went on a hunt for seeds. This week we investigated our collection.
Some children participated in a small group to learn a system for sorting the seeds. We have bags, jars, bowls, and trays of different sizes to help us create homes for the seeds and their “wrappers.”
we messed about with a familiar material at arrival and added it to our library for play throughout our morning…

What did you create with Lego?
children found spaces to play alone. We talk about how sometimes we choose to play by ourselves. We talk about how asking for space alone doesn’t mean you are no longer friends with someone else. We talk about how sometimes we chose to be alone to take a break.
"You can be alone to stop being silly." Louis

This week, Travers found a space alone to retell the story of Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Leoni.

"Let's go fight Studio Blue." Ian
“No, let’s not.” Case
Diane approaches the group. She tells them she heard what they were saying and wants to check in.
“Oopsies. Oopsies.” Ian

We in Studio Red are learning what it means to be older and bigger. How do we share a space with younger children? How can we play together? How might we be teachers? How might we learn from them too?

"See that girl with the black hair? That's Cassie. She just said your name!" Caroline
We looked together at a photograph of a milkweed plant. We asked, “What did you figure out? What can we teach each other about milkweed?”
There are little seeds. Louis
There’s little fluff. Ruth
There’s a little banana thing. Charlie Schubert
There’s silk in it. Charlie Nicholson
There’s hooks on the outside. Travers
That’s the part where the feathers hang onto it. Ian
And when you open them they kind of come off and they float up. Louis
Like the ones that are straight, they go down like a rocket. Like a straight line like a rocket. Like when you hold the straight one up and then you let it go, it goes like down. Caroline