Dear Studio Red,
Today we reflect back on another week away from the studio. Your play at home has inspired us all! Thank you for sharing back your do & draw play as well as all the other ways you are experiencing home. This week, children and adults were inside and outside, in homes, yards, and woods! We wish you a weekend filled with the same. We miss you like always, but seeing your faces makes the separation easier.
Love, Lauri and Emily
Jan shares, "Our staples for this week are nature walks and baking." She also sends out a PSA, letting everyone know that the ticks are out and about. Thank you, Jan!
Grish tells us Kieran and her sister, Arya enjoy Sparkle Stories, audio stories for children.
An article from the Greater Good Magazine, invites us to engage in a routine of asking Six Daily Questions during this time:
1. What am I grateful for today?
2. Who am I checking in on, or connecting with, today?
3. What expectations of “normal” am I letting go of today?
4. How am I getting outside today?
5. How am I moving my body today?
6. What beauty am I creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?
From Karen:
“I saw on your Daily Do and Draw yesterday that you posted pictures of messages from around the country that people are creating to brighten everyone’s day. My brother sent me a picture of what they are doing where he lives in New Zealand – his town is also called Lincoln! People are putting teddy bears in different places for others to look for as they walk or drive by.”