Dear Studio Red,
Today we reflect back on our first week away from the studio. Here we share photos from your experiences at home! We are so grateful for the outpouring of photos and videos we have received from many families. We have chosen a few from your collections to share. Going forward, if you would like us to share a few in particular, please let us know which ones! We also made sure to include some from us. We too, are home, and want to share our experiences with you! We also will share ideas from grown-ups on this weekly newsletter.
How will we learn from one another? How will our play this week inspire us?
Love, Lauri and Emily
Abby says she is soaking up all this family time and new places to explore. She creates a routine with alternating days out with days at home.
Set up virtual play-dates! Liz shared that Miles has used video chat to connect with some classmates. We wonder if parents might be able to create a space where their child can virtually play alongside a classmate with a material they both have at home.
What becomes possible when a classmate is playing with Lego as you play with Lego?
“I’ve been trying to structure Charlie’s and Catherine’s days alongside Leo’s and if there’s an activity that I can make age appropriate for them, it can work well. Leo’s school has some “specials” that overlap like music and arts/crafts, and gym that I’m going to try to put on days that Charlie has them (ie music and nature walks/scavenger hunt on Friday.) Leo has chess club on Tuesdays so Charlie and I thought we’d do checkers club or another board game of his choice, puzzles for Catherine. A work in progress!” Kerri Schubert
Grish and Brett shared that Arya and Kieran have welcomed spring!
“We decided to kick off Spring by baking a carrot cake and planting lemon and clementine seeds Kieran had saved over the last couple months. Earlier in the week, the girls made a habitat for animals who are looking for shelter in the backyard and then topped it off with a grated chalk smoothie shop.”