During Story Workshop we are working in four new spaces with four new material collections to uncover stories. Each group visits a station twice over several weeks. During the first visit, they mess about and begin to envision story ideas, sometimes beginning with a character, an event, a setting, or a prop. Beginning with one idea, they add complexity. They learn to value collaboration, watching others as they manipulate materials to see what they can do and copying stories to try out new ideas. This process of play mirrors the writing process. As authors, children are editing their tales: they add details; take out parts; and scrap ideas all together to begin again. As they converse with one another, we hear their growing image of self as author.
“How’s your story going? What’s your story?” Case
“I’m actually going to build a new story.” Ruth
“Hey Emily, I changed my story.” Louis
“I’m going to remake my story. You knocked down my story.” Travers
“I’m making up a story just like playing.” Kaya