This week we spoke to the children about what happens when we reread stories. What do we learn when stories become familiar? "We can read them!" Reading stories through the pictures is what emergent readers do! This week Charlie Nicholson chose to reread a familiar story for her birthday. We introduced Corduroy and Out of the Woods as others we will come to know well.
What parts of the story do you remember?

As children bring in favorite books to share, they are engaging in important reading habits: rereading; sharing books with others; listening and looking again for new details; incorporating new perspectives; and more! This week Ruth brought in Ellie Ballerina. She didn’t use this title though. Her family has their own special name for it. Ask Ruth when you see her!

Outside, we found problems to solve! Many problems involved sharing space.
Jackson comes to get Emily for help. He tells her that someone poked him with a stick when he was inside the cavity of a dead tree. Emily follows Jackson who wants support checking-in with his classmates.
“You were bothering us.” Kaya
“You were being mean.” Louis
“What felt mean to you? What bothered you?” Emily
“You thought there was only room for one.” Louis
“He said three and I said one cuz there were not two trees together.” Jackson
“It’s not even anybody’s home. It’s an animal’s home.” Louis
“Kaya just pushes his way in.” Jackson
“I wanted to push him out so Louis and I could go in the tree to show Jackson that two can fit.” Kaya
“You should just tell me.” Jackson
“But you weren’t listening to us.” Louis
Jackson, Kaya, and Louis do a do-over….

“Jackson, can you get out so I can show you how two can fit?”


“Three can fit!” Kaya

“Emily, I wonder if you can fit in.” Kaya

How do we create room on a boat for dogs and snakes?
How do we make space for others?
When and why do we choose to set boundaries?
Charlie Schubert shared back the game he and Jackson invented.
How do you play?
Do you remember how to get a point?
Do you remember how to lose one?
Snake is sleeping, snake is sleeping, sleeping in their hole.
Please be very quiet,
Very, very quiet,
if you shake them, if you wake them, they will surely hiss!

We began creating texture books. These two page books will help us imagine stories for our cardboard characters.
We were inspired by the work of Roberta Pucci.

What was tricky about choosing textures and gluing?
...and another storyteller takes the author's chair!
How did Case’s story grow?