Dear Studio Red,
In Studio Red we explored weaving on a circle loom and also on a Y stick. Today we invite you to create a box loom! We also invite you to experiment with weaving materials. By using strips of paper, natural materials like sticks or grasses and of course yarn you can create a woven fabric filled with color and texture!
Love, Lauri and Emily
do & draw

How will the lid of a box become a loom?
Today we are going to put the DO AND DRAW together.
The DO will involve creating the loom and weaving.
The DRAW will involve making marks for the loom and perhaps creating designs on some of your weaving materials.
Gather your materials for the loom.
The lid of a small box.
A ruler.
A marker.
A pair of scissors.
A thin strip of paper.

A note for parents:
Please feel free to support your child in the making of the loom. Mark the box together, one of you hold the ruler while the other makes the mark. Take turns deciding where that 1/2″ line is. Snipping the cardboard may also require breaks and turn taking. It is challenging to cut through cardboard, control scissors and to cut a slit only part way down!
Now it's time to fill your loom!

Some suggested materials for weaving.
Strips of paper or cloth.
Natural grasses or sticks.
Ribbon, string or yarn.

This diagram shows a continuous piece of yarn. Start at the lower left and work the over, under pattern all the way across. When you reach the end take the yarn under the same warp you just went over and work the pattern back.