Dear Studio Red,
Bunnies are a favored animal of many children in Studio Red. We learned that Jackson’s favorite animal is a bunny and that Caroline can build a bunny hutch of cardboard! We created stories with small bunny figures and many of us have stuffed bunnies at home!
Today we introduce you to a paper bunny named Esther. She was created by Roberta Pucci.
Love, Lauri and Emily
do & draw
We invite you to watch the video above and then create your own Esther!
You will need a strip of heavyweight paper like cardstock. Your strip should be about 12 inches long and about 1 inch wide. A grownup might help you with the measuring.
Now, you can rewatch the video from 46 seconds to 1:55 to help you create or you can follow the steps below.
How can we make paper move?
A note to parents:
This is an experiment in paper folding. If you can, work alongside your child to make Esther. Slowing down the process of creating is always helpful. Together you can rewatch the process all the way through. Name the steps together before cutting and folding. Have a number of strips of paper available for your child. Goofs are how we learn and mastery builds agency!
Experiment with different widths and lengths of paper.
What details will you add to your bunny?