Dear Studio Red,
Today we will be working with those sticks again. There are so many possibilities for a stick and we would just love to try them all! This time we encourage you to find a longer stick but one that you can hold and carry for a length of time. Find one that is just right for you.
Love, Lauri and Emily
daily do & draw

What will you use to securely attach your marking tool to your stick?
Today our do will be inspired by the methods of Henri Matisse. He often painted big and when doing this he used a very long bamboo stick as an extension of his arm!
We invite you to paint or draw in a similar way. Your stick will transform into a large handle and at the end you can attach a marker, a paint brush, a pencil or even chalk! Wonder if you had a Y stick and attached two tools to use at once!

Now it’s time to mess about!
Find a surface to mark on. It might be a big piece of paper or an opened cardboard box. You might use your driveway as a surface if you are using chalk or if you are using water as paint with a paintbrush.
Try and work with the surface vertically like when we use an easel. Or change your body position and sit in a chair to work.
Try using your feet instead of your hands!