Dear Studio Red,
Today we were the authors of the Daily Invitation. Please first visit the page, While We Are Away, and then return here to read our do & draw message!
Love, Lauri and Emily
daily do & draw
In Studio Red we play with sticks all the time. We use them when we traipse through the woods and we incorporate them into our indoor explore in a variety of ways.
Now we invite you pick one or a number of sticks from your collection to play with imaginatively. You can combine your sticks with other materials or you can envision what a single stick can become in your imagined world.
What do you imagine your stick becoming as you play?

Is it a fishing pole?

Or an antennae?
Do you remember the book Not a Stick? The author, Antoinette Portis encourages us to think about a stick becoming something unexpected. We invite you to create a new page for the book.
“It’s not a stick.” “It’s a …”
You can draw how you played with the stick in the DO or you can envision a whole new transformation!
Try taping your stick directly to the paper and transforming it from there.

“It’s not a stick.”