Today we invite you to create a tray of choices just like Ruthie! She created a tray just like we use in Studio Red. Of course, it will not be exactly the same. We imagine Ruthie looked around her home for the things she enjoys doing. She may have also sat and imagined in her mind all the things she likes to play at home. Perhaps she woke up in the morning and asked, “What am I going to do?” Sometimes it is hard to make choices for play. Maybe her mom, dad, and sister shared ideas too! It looks like she chose a variety of different materials to explore!
Below, Ruthie and Rosie have all their choices for play set up on a big table. Choosing where you will play is another choice you will have to make! Will all your play be in one place? Will you create play spaces around a room or throughout your house?
A note to parents:
This set-up work is not for you to do! This is an invitation for children to drive their own learning. So much is discovered and practiced as children choose and arrange their materials. You can of course support them as they encounter challenges, wondering what they might do to solve the problems they come across.