Dear Studio Red,
Today we are going to think about touch! We are remembering the texture books we created together. We each created a collection of materials to tell a story inspired by how they felt. Do you have materials you love to feel the most? Today we will think about collections as one way we explore how things feel!
Love, Lauri and Emily
daily do & draw
How will you begin your collection?
We want to share some photographs to inspire your organization. There are so many ways to group objects and store them!
"We invite you to begin to collect toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls! We are excited to play with these later!" Lauri
Today we invite you to begin your own collections. As we collect objects we find inside and outside, we discover more about the materials that make up our world. When we gather materials we get to touch them, we feel them in our hands, and over time make new discoveries, get new ideas, and play in new ways.
“In the video below, I will show you some ideas to help you get started, and most importantly, begin to organize your collections!” Emily

Play a game with touch!
Step 1: Choose one object from your collection and put it in a bag so it is hidden from view.
Step 2: Ask your play partner to put their hand in bag to feel the object carefully.
Step 3: As your partner feels the object, how many attributes can they figure out, only using their sense of touch? As they name them, you count!
If you need some help, you may try and name: