Dear Studio Red,
Reflecting on our gathering, we were inspired by the conversation about woodpeckers making holes and how these holes might tell a story of a seed. In our seed research we mention holes a lot. Do you remember when we envisioned digging a big hole to put our entire Studio Red seed collection inside?! Today, we invite you to head outside on a search for holes! Bring your sketchbook with you, or return to draw at home.
Love, Lauri and Emily
daily do & draw
Where do you see holes outside?
We began thinking about holes in the ground when we were discussing planting seeds. Then, a conversation about woodpeckers had us think about how birds might help seeds grow. This led Travers to share a thought: A woodpecker could plant a seed inside a hole in a tree. With these new ideas in mind, let’s go out and search for more holes. Where might we find them in unexpected places? Will you see holes in a tree? What do you notice about them? Will you spot who might have created them?