Dear Studio Red,
Yesterday we zoomed into our ears and focused our mind on what we were hearing. Today, we will focus on sight. This means we will be using our eyes.
Love, Lauri and Emily

On Friday, we shared a photo Luca captured. Can you spot the gecko Luca found on this tree?
“He’s noticed geckos everywhere. They can be difficult to spot until they move.” Emily Mills
“[Geckos] have camouflage just like army men do!” Luca
In studio Red, you all have been doing so much research about camouflage. We have heard you telling stories in the tree blood of hidden ANT castles that look just like hills. We have had many conversations about the many ways animals protect themselves from predators. Camouflage can be a great protection.
“The tree and the gecko they have the colors and they have the same pattern. There’s brown, grey and white. But the tree has green leaves. The gecko doesn’t have any green anywhere.” Luca