Dear Studio Red,
Yesterday we thought about the ways we calm our brains. We remained as still as we could to focus on our breathing. There was a story to guide us. Our senses help us process our world. As we hear, see, taste, touch and smell, information is sent to our brains. Our brains learn to identify this information and we begin to name the world around us.
Today we will focus on listening. Think about sound for a minute, and how important it is in your life: how, if you hear the sound of a horn honking, you might look for a car; how the sound of the garage door opening alerts you to someone coming home; how a cry might let you know someone is hurt or that the baby is awake. Through listening we learn how to respond to the world around us. Today we will listen closely together.
“If I had a listening ear, no telling what I might hear!”
Love, Lauri and Emily