Dear Studio Red,
Today our do & draw will build on the daily invitation. We invite you to first visit the daily invitation on the page called, While We Are Away. You will see our faces there too! Then, if you are looking to do more and draw more, come back here be inspired!
Love, Lauri and Emily
daily do & draw
What will your road, river, pathway or train track see along the way?
How can you add details to show others your world?
You may have already created many details in your world. Perhaps you have added trees, cars, people, buildings, animals or boats. Now your challenge is to draw one idea on a piece of paper. Later, you will make this idea, this piece of paper, stand up in your world! Perhaps you will be inspired by some of the characters from a favorite book or a vehicle you have spotted outside. Perhaps you will put YOU in your world. Perhaps you will imagine something new!
How can your drawing stand up?

Now that your drawing is nice and sturdy, you are ready to stand it up in your world. There are many different ways to make this happen. You might even invent your own way. Here are some ideas we have learned from adults, from children, and from messing about!
Once you are finished, it is time to cut! Trace the edges of your drawing with a pair of scissors. This can be tricky work! Remember to hold your scissors with a thumb up and move the paper with your other hand to steer the snips in the right direction. Going slowly is a helpful strategy.
The next step is to glue your drawing to a piece of cardboard that is just the right size. Any type of glue will work, just be sure to use a just right amount! Often it is best to start with too little than with too much that could make your paper soggy.

For a bonus draw, use the next page in your sketchbook to show a map of your world!