Dear Studio Red,
Today is Friday! We are remembering all the fun nature walks we have taken on Fridays. We are thinking about our hunt for Y-sticks, how we climbed and slid down the big rock, and how we created so many stories on the fallen tree trunks. Today our daily do and draw will bring us outside!
Love, Lauri and Emily
daily do & draw

What will you discover outside today?
Each time we go outside we seem to discover something new! It may even be something that has been there for awhile, that we just haven’t noticed before. Other times it is something that has changed, like the first signs of spring. Learning to observe and notice details is just what scientists do. This is just what artists, architects, and writers do too! These discoveries lead to new ideas and new questions that inspire us to play more, create more, and learn more.
This week Ruth shared a video from a walk she took with her family. She shared: