Dear Studio Red,
Today we will begin a new routine! Starting today, we will invite you to connect with Studio Red each day through a daily do & draw. The name gives you a big clue. Each day we will invite you to do something and to draw something. These somethings will be one way we continue to connect with each other while we are all at home. Some of you may visit the blog every day, some of you may not. We are all spending our time differently at home. No matter what you are up to, we invite you to share your life with us through photographs, videos, and words. Send your experiences to our email and we will share your reflections and questions to our studio community on this blog.
Love, Lauri and Emily
daily do & draw
How can you transform a box?
This week Charlie Schubert celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17th. This is a holiday that celebrates Irish culture. It particularly remembers Saint Patrick, one of Ireland’s patron saints. Charlie and his family created Leprechaun traps and an Irish flag to honor their Irish heritage. We noticed that they used boxes to create these traps. This inspired us to invite Studio Red to transform a box of their own! You might be inspired to create a trap for a real or imaginary creature like Charlie did, or you might turn your box into something else. What will your box become?
For more ideas, you might read, Not a Box, by Antoinette Portis, if you have it at home, or find it here.
“Charlie’s trap with lucky charms cereal and golden eggs as the lure, but that tricky little Leprechaun still got away!” Kerri Schubert
How can you save a memory of your creation?

We invite you to create your own home sketchbook to record your thinking just like we do in Studio Red. The one pictured below uses a heavy piece of cardboard cut from a box, a binder clip and pieces of paper. You can use construction paper, printer paper or even paper cut from a paper bag! Don’t have a binder clip? A stapler or a rubber band could hold those pages together too. You might even have a notebook of your own already, that’s great too. We would just love you to have a place to record your work. And we would love for you to share it with us all!
On the first page of your new sketchbook, draw how you changed your box.