When we notice a space in the studio being underutilized, we start to ask ourselves questions.
Has the interest of the group shifted?
When the space is visited, what is happening there?
Can we extend the materials or the focus to ignite new interest?
Can the space connect with other explorations happening within the studio?
To answer our questions we look to the children – to their efforts, their concerns, their joys, and their questions.
We think about our values, our wonderings and our goals for each child and the group.
We look to our documentation.

On Wednesday during our gathering we posed a question to the children…
“How can our mushroom space become a nature space?”
We decided during our conversation, to gather new natural materials for our space during our walk through the park.

On Thursday, a small group comprised of Avery, Elliott and Ruby, was invited to organize the collected objects.

Ouch. This is pretty sharp.
Woah, this is pretty hard.
This doesn’t feel sharp. But it’s a pinecone.
This is bark. But…
Leaves go in this box.
Pinecones and sticks go next to leaves.
Another poisonous berry! Oops, I lost it. This is a perfect bottle.
This is a growing coconut!
These are the same! (holding up two seeds and placing them in one jar)
Did you hear that? (as an object dropped into the jar)
Touch these Avery! They’re burrs.
They stick to fuzzy things, my dress! A nature accessory!

On Friday, Eleanor said, “I brought some things from home for our nature space.”